Kyle with his buddies!

Kyle with his buddies!
I made these cookies for family home evening with this family! They were a big hit

Thursday, May 9, 2013

April 29, 2013

    Something cool that happened this week is that I was studying the fall of Adam and Eve and I had never really understood exactly the logic from it.  And I discovered it.  2 Nephi 2 is the key and I can prove to people with the Bible that Adam did not sin.  Aw it's so awesome because a lot of people think that Adam was just terrible and sinned but that's not true.  Neither did Eve, she was very smart with things.  This is one of those mornings where my mind was enlightened by the spirit.  I can't explain it too well over email but it's little moments like those that really I love.  When everything comes together in perfect harmony.  Like I always tell people...there are answers for your questions you just need time and the desire to look for an answer.
     Tell Mason I'm so proud of him for getting his Eagle!  That's so awesome!!!
   Well we have an appointment in 20 minutes so I gotta go but I love you all and can't wait to talk to you on Mother's Day!
Elder Krause

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